


While camping everybody just wants to go out in

to the wilderness without a care in the world. To think that you could get bitten at anytime is a

nightmare. If you ever go camping, and you think that you will not be disturbed, you are sadly mistaken.




To stay away from dangerous animals, and plants follow these simple instructions.

    Black Bear
    1. Do not keep left over food outside of a camping trailer.
    2. While walking around in the wild, make sure you pay very close attention to the ground.
    3. Also check as many trees as you can, this will prevent you from approaching trees that are infested with harmful insects shuchas: bees, termites, spiders, etc.
    4. Also while walking make a sufficient amount of noise to make your pesents know to all bears in the area.
    5. You should always wear shoes while hiking for long distances, to protect your feet and to prevents insects bites.
    6. When you know that you are going to be in an
    7. area with bees hear light colored clothes. Hearing dark clothes has been know to attract bees.

These six tips will help you overall while camping to protects yourself while camping in heavily forested areas.

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